Saturday, February 15, 2014

Episode #4

Dear Midge,

I'm sosososososososososo excited to be pug-pals with you! (The humans think they're the only ones who can make jokes, but I couldn't resist.) It's okay if you're mostly indifferent towards me, not everyone's as overly-excited as I am. It's also okay that you like to fart. I don't do it often, but when I do, it's really impressive.

I hope you're having fun with all the snow. Mom showed me some videos of you and it didn't look like you were having fun, but maybe you were just acting. Sometimes I act like going outside is the most exciting thing in the world, just because it makes them laugh. (But between you and me, sometimes they take FOREVER to get ready in the morning, and I reeeeeaaaaaalllllyyyyyy have to piddle!)

Have you ever ridden on an airplane? It's crazy! And terrifying! And I don't ever wanna do it again! Mom and Dad kept saying we were moving to this new place called "Germany," but I still don't know what that means. I'm just glad I can still run around outside sometimes. Anyway, we had to ride on three planes to get there! At first I wasn't scared because they just put me in the kennel like they did when we were at the house. (I didn't used to like the kennel, but I don't mind it now.) But after we went for a ride, they left me with some guy I didn't even know and walked away! Mom told me I was a good boy and that she loved me and that I would be okay ... I was so confused! I saw all these other people I didn't know and I had to ride on these strange cars with all kinds of suitcases and I didn't know where they were taking me!

I don't really remember much about the ride on the airplane ... I think I'm blocking it out because it was so frightening. All I know is that after what seemed like forever, my kennel finally got taken outside and then I got to see Mom and Dad again! It was magical! We went to a place that wasn't home but we slept there that night, and we slept for a loooooooooooooong time. (I don't remember Dad ever sleeping that long!) 

I was really hoping the trip was over, but boy was I wrong. The next day, they put me in the kennel again and we went to another strange place with more strange people. I had to stay in my kennel and be quiet while we walked around for a long time. I got to meet some other dogs but I don't know if any of them wanted to be friends ... One big dog slept the whole time, and a really hairy girl dog just yelled the whole time. I guess being forced to stay in your kennel in a weird place like we were makes everyone kinda sad. Anyway, I had to go through another long plane ride (I think I blocked that one out, too) and I was beyond happy to see Mom and Dad afterwards. It would've been better if I didn't have to wait even longer in the kennel, only to get out and have some strange woman checking out my eyes and my ears and my butt. (By the way, that's extremely embarrassing - I sure hope you never have to go through that!)

It was definitely a long, tiring trip. And I still don't think we're "home" yet. But I get to be with Mom and Dad all day and they play with me and give me treats sometimes, so I guess that makes everything okay.

Anyway, I hope you liked my story. And I hope you still get to fart whenever you want. And if you want to write me another indifferent letter, that would be super duper awesome!
I wish you lots of treats and toys!

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